Government Structure For
The House of The Silver Deeps

High Council of HSD

1st Branch

Lord of FMF
Head of Council
Lord of SoM

2nd Branch

Lord of The Faction of Trade
Lord of The Faction of War
Lord of The Faction of Exploration

Lower Council of HSD

3rd Branch


4th Branch

All Apprentices in Faction of Trade
All Longbeards in Faction of War
All Trailblazers in Faction of Exploration

5th Branch

All Craftsman in The Faction of Trade
All Youngbeards in The Faction of War
All Scouts in The Faction of Exploration

5 Branches of Government

1st branch - 3 members make up the 1st branch.  The Lord of SoM and the Lord of FMF.  Also there is a High Council member elected that will represent the Faction of Wisdom.

2nd branch - 3 members make up the 2nd branch.  The Lord of each of the three factions.

3rd branch -  6 members make up the 3rd branch.  Two for each Faction,  1 for each Division within a Faction.

4th branch - No limit to how many members can make up the 4th branch.  There is at least 1 for every Sub-Division.

5th branch - No limit to how many members make up the 5th branch.  Once HSD gets larger, most members will be
in the 5th branch.

-The First two branches of government make up the High Council.  The 3rd, 4th, and 5th make up the lower council.
-The High council votes and decides on matters.  The entire government elects the Lords of each Faction, and the High council member.
-The Lords of each Faction appoints two members from their Faction to be in the 3rd branch.
-The members of the 3rd branch appoint members of their Division into the second branch.

Balance in power in The Government of The House of the Silver Deeps
  •  The High Council of HSD will have vote on all subjects brought up by the Lower   Council.  In order for a vote to get passed, it requires a two thirds majority vote.
  • If the Lower council disagrees with a final vote by the High Council, it then has the option to vote against it.  It wil require a two thirds majority vote against the vote passed by the High Council, to cancel it out.
  • All members of the House of the Silver Deeps have the power to bring up a concern that has the potential to be voted on, during official house meetings.
  • In the event of the Lower Council rejecting a vote that has been passed by the High Council, the High Council has the right to call for a house vote.  In this case the vote needs a two thirds vote to pass between the entire house.  Though those voters that do not vote either way, will be considered in favor of it.
  • In the event that the Lower Council deems that one of the High Council should not rule anymore, a two thirds vote would then remove him from his position.  An election would soon be held to fill that spot.

 The Bill of Rights in The House of the Silver Deeps
  • The Government of HSD will make no law against Freedom of Speech.
  • A Military will be provided for the security of the House of the Silver Deeps, in which all members are given the right to fight for their house.
  • No member of HSD will be denied his rights to take active part in there branch of the government.
  • All Members of HSD reserve the right to vote for the Lord of each faction.
  • All Members of HSD have the right to run for any electable office, during election time.